Learn how to recognize transverse ridges, you need know it to how to care for your clients with this condition.
in 1846 when French physician Joseph Honoré Simon Beau first show horizontal grooves on the nail, or transverse ridges. Beau’s lines, as they have come to be known, occur when the nail matrix is injured and the growth of the nail is slowed. This eventually causes grooves in the surface of the nail plate. concerning finger- and toenails, this state is commonly caused by an injury such as slamming a finger in the door or dropping a heavy object on a toe. The horizontal ridges can also be a sign of a systemic disease, a disease that affects the whole body and not just be an agency or a congenital disease.
Whatever the reason for halting of nail growth or the slowing, it will result in transverse ridges on the nails, which look like pale bands lying horizontally across the nail plate. They first appear at the moon (lunula) and then progress with the growth of the nail. In cases where the ridges are not caused by a systemic illness or congenital disease, Beau’s lines will grow out with the nail and disappear. Fingernails take approximately nine months about one millimeter per week to grow out completely, with the middle fingernail growing most rapidly, and toenails take approximately 18 months to grow out. With this in mind, by measuring the distance from the transverse groove to the cuticle, you can sometimes estimate the date of the injury or illness.
Beau’s lines are a result of a variety of conditions, ranging from minor to severe. The most common causes are local injury or exposure to severe cold, both of which decrease the blood flow to the nail matrix. Any kind of injury to the nail matrix slows cell division in the matrix, causing transverse ridges to appear. Examples of local traumas include: Eczema The inflammation in the skin around the nail associated with eczema can prevent normal cell division in the nail matrix.
Paronychia Inflammation of the tissue adjacent to the nail, usually accompanied by infection and pus formation.
Onychia Inflammation of the matrix often leading to suppuration or pus formation and loss of the nail.
Carpal Tunnel Syndrome A condition caused by compression of the median nerve in the carpal tunnel, which can affect nail growth.
Another cause of Beau’s lines is congenital disease. For example, acrodermatitis enteropathica causes changes in the skin and sometimes skin infections around the fingernail, which may result in ridges on the nail.
Beau’s lines are also caused by systemic illnesses, which include extreme fevers, measles, mumps, myocardial infarction and exposure to chemotherapy and radiation. Yes, this is a long list to remember, but there is good news you don’t need to memorize all of these causes in order to help your clients.
How To Treat Beau’s Lines
Despite the long list of causes, there are a few things you can do to help a client with Beau’s lines, and a few things your client can do to help herself. The first step in preventing this condition from coming back is to refer your client to her doctor. In many cases, she may have a history of the above conditions. As a nail technician, you are not able to diagnose or treat her condition, but her doctor will be able to give her instructions on how to proceed.
After your client has seen her physician and gets the green light for a nail service, you then have a couple of options. Offer her a set of enhancements, especially if she considers the lines unappealing. But do not apply enhancements if the client has yet to see a doctor to evaluate the cause of the Beau’s lines. You can also provide your client with a natural nail manicure and polish the nails with her favorite color. The grooves on the nail mean there isn’t as much nail growth, so you don’t want to file the ridges in an attempt to smooth the nail, as this will cause further damage by making the nail very thin and fragile.
Beau’s lines are caused by a variety of conditions but with every set of nails at your station that seems out-of-the-ordinary, you need to proceed with caution.
Source : Internet - http://www.spasalon.us